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Language Courses at Saint Mary University - Canadá


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The Language Centre has short and long term language courses at Saint Mary’s University campus, meaning that students are exposed to the Canadian university campus life when taking language courses. We offer the opportunity to stay in our university residencies or to live in home-stay accommodation. Students can become part of university societies, utilise the Athletic Centre on campus, the International Students Centre, soccer field etc. In addition, they can enroll in extra-curricular socio-cultural activities, such as the Conversation Partner Program, which are organised and run by The Language Centre specifically for English as a Second Language students.
Useful links:

Saint Mary’s University viewbook

The Language Centre website

The Language Centre presentation

CELTA (opportunities to be trained to become language teachers)


Ilaria Pivi

Student Programs Coordinator

TR105F, The Language Centre, Saint Mary's University

960 Tower Road, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4H5

Telephone: (1-902) 491 6581
E-mail: ilaria.pivi@smu.ca



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